2018 Chevy Colorado WT v590


  • Bid #V590.021025
  • VIN: 1GCHTBEN4J1189841
  • Approximate Mileage: 112,921
  • Minimum Bid: $7,050.00

To place a bid, please turn in this form along and a copy of your photo identification in a sealed envelope to the front desk of BTES during normal business hours by 9:00am on Tuesday, February 25, 2025. The envelope will be dated and time stamped by a BTES representative.

Sale will be awarded to highest bid. In case of identical bids, earliest bid will be accepted. Vehicle will be accepted as is and is available for inspection. Contact Cody Johnson (423-793-5544) for appointment.

Bristol Tennessee Essential Services reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive informalities on all or any part of any bid when such action is deemed to be in the best interests of BTES and its customers. All accessories and equipment such as company radio will be removed. Payment must be made with a cashier’s check or money order. Vehicle will be available once replacement vehicle is ready for use.

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