Moving Into or Within the BTES Service Area
Wednesday January 8, 2025
Moving Into or Within the BTES Service Area? Start Here.
Residential Customers Only. For general power (non-residential) information, click here.
New to the BTES service area?
To sign up for BTES’ services, fill out our online application. Please submit two forms of identification with one being a photo id. Please also submit your proof of occupancy (if renting) or proof of ownership (if purchasing). You may simply attach these within the online application, fax them to 423-793-5520, or email them to Once your application and supporting documentation is received, a BTES Representative will contact you to finalize your new service application.
If you’d prefer, you may visit our office at 2470 Volunteer Parkway to fill out an application in person. You may print an application here to have prepared ahead of time.
A service activation charge of $25 for the next business day or $50 for the same day and a deposit (if applicable) are required at the time of application. A deposit equal to approximately twice the highest estimated monthly bill or a suitable guarantor's agreement (a current residential BTES customer that has paid us on or prior to their due date each month) may be required of any customer. A residential deposit, including any interest earned, may be refunded after twelve (12) consecutive months in which all payments were made on or before the due date, no payments were rejected or declined by the Customer’s financial institution, and a satisfactory credit rating is maintained.
To check pricing and order our Internet, telephone, and cable television services, visit this page.
Moving from one location to another within the BTES service area?
If you are moving from a location within our service area to another location within our service area, please fill out a new application for the address you are moving to. Please submit two forms of identification with one being a photo id. Please also submit your proof of occupancy (if renting) or proof of ownership (if purchasing). You may simply attach these within the online application, fax them to 423-793-5520, or email them to Once your application and supporting documentation is received, a BTES Representative will contact you to finalize your new service application.
If you’d prefer, you may visit our office at 2470 Volunteer Parkway to fill out an application in person. You may print an application here to have prepared ahead of time.
To disconnect services at your previous address, complete the field within the new application which asks for the date you want your current services turned off.
A service activation charge of $25 for the next business day activation or $50 for same day activation and a deposit (if applicable) are required at the time of application.
To check pricing and order our Internet, telephone, and cable television services, visit this page.
Just need to disconnect your current services?
To disconnect your BTES services, simply call 423-968-1526 at least one business day in advance to schedule a disconnect date and update your mailing address to your new location. To avoid equipment charges, please return all fiber equipment (cable boxes, remotes, rented routers, etc.) to our office by or prior to the date your electric service will be disconnected.
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